Every stakeholder of higher education has a role to play for quality enhancement and sustenance. The stakeholders such as the Government, management, teachers, students and the external quality assurance agencies-have an important role in ensuring quality of higher education. The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) strives to play a catalytic role in synergizing the stake holder’s efforts.
Of all the stakeholders mentioned above, the students have a unique role to play in ensuring quality of higher education institutions (HEIs). Firstly, the students should realize that they have the right for quality education and it is the responsibility of the HEIs to provide quality educational experience to learners. Secondly, the students should equally be aware of their responsibilities which in turn will help the institutions to [provide quality education. This means that the students should demand quality education education and demonstrate their commitment to quality education by accepting their responsibilities. Otherwise the HEIs will have very little motivation for quality enhancement.
An initiation has been made by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in this direction by developing a sample student charter for all higher education institutions. It is hoped that the charter will help educational institutions to articulate their obligations to learners in clear terms and can be used as benchmark for institutions’ accountability to learners. The NAAC advocates the public display of a student charter in every institution as an act of promotion of student participation in Quality Assurance.
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